Can you believe: US Town Rejects Solar Farm, Claims It Will Suck Up All The Sunlight

As we know, Energy sources like coal and gas are limited even in natural supply for the fact that it surely could get exhausted eventually. This is the vindicating ground for the modern day pursuit of renewable energy like wind, water, and sun, where we don’t have the need to consume anything in order to generate energy. Yet in a big contrast to this, a little town in North Carolina in the United States has a completely contrary idea.

We all know the Solar Farm Idea is lovely

We all know the Solar Farm Idea is lovely

Over in Woodland, North Carolina, it was revealed that the town council of small town in question had turned down the proposal to rezone a portion of the town’s land into a solar farm. Now the big question is, why on earth would anyone refute the idea of a solar farm? From the present look of things however, this is because some local residents nourish strange believes that a solar farm would end up sucking up all the sunlight.

Obviously that is not how it operates, but then it is only unfortunate that this is the idea that some local residents have, like that of Jane Mann who happens to be a retired science teacher who loudly aired her opinion that the solar farm would prevent nearby plants from growing. It seems that Mann is well submerged in the impression that a solar farm would STEAL the sunlight, thus proving a barrier for photosynthesis to take place.

There was also the vehement yet vehemently false notion by Mann that most likely solar panels could possibly cause cancer, or at least she would need proof that the panels did not really cause cancer, which we guess isn’t really the same thing.

As things pretty turned out, their “fears” of the solar farm were so enlarged and gigantic that not only did the proposal suffered rejection, but the council at the end of the drama even voted on an agreement to temporarily prohibit all future solar farm projects in the area!

Could you believe that? Really got me laughing. Enjoy your festive period people!!

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