Why You Don’t Make Money In 2012: Remedies For 2013

Do you want to know the reason why you don’t make money or why you make peanut throughout 2012?


This happen because you are a kind of person that:

  • Tries every opportunity that claims it’s “the next big thing”
  • Think starting small is not possible but you need to wait until you get it right.
  • Thoughts that by doing many things at once, you will accomplish your dream but eventually you ended up without achieving any.

Mike Litman says “You don’t have to get it right. You just have to get it going.” You don’t necessarily need to have all the tools required before you start that dream you have, you can start with the little you presently possess.

Let me give you an illustration: tell me, if you had never been on a bicycle before, can you make plans to ride it the right way and then do it and get it right the first time? Of course it’s impossible. It is until you try it that you will know how to ride it and later become an expert.

Before you proceed, read:

So to become successful, you need to first make plans, then try to make your plans to become a reality by putting it to work (don’t expect to get it right the first time you put it to work.). You may not be seeing the expected result, but remain focus and glue to your dreams.

In conclusion, if your plan in 2013 is to make a $1,000 every month, you might make below $100 or nothing in your first 6 months of try, but keep going, be focus and never relent. Ask any successful entrepreneur both online and offline if they made it immediately they start their business, their answer will motivate you because you will realize that most of them fail several times before they got it right. My final advice to you is that you don’t have to wait till you get it right in 2013, but endeavor to start from where you are with the available resources within your reach today.

N:B->> The consequences of failure outweigh what you will lose by doing nothing at all.

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