The retrenchment axe is falling at Microsoft, felling men. CVs are now being dusted as Micorsoft plans to hurl a fraction of its workforce back into the labour market. For those unfortunate ones to be sacked, their ringtone would be the famous song by Nelly Furtado: why do all good things come to an end.
Yes, Microsoft has announced it will be chopping off about 2,850 more jobs in course of the following 12 months. This will now take its cumulative planned job cuts to up to 4,700, this number representing say 4% of its workforce.
The company had earlier on in May revealed it will chop off 1,850 jobs in its smartphone business, a majority of the hit to be from Finland.
Microsoft had acquired Finland-based handset maker Nokia in 2014 in an almost unsuccessful attempt to combat leaders of the market in Apple and Samsung Electronics.
According to Chief Executive Satya Nadella, who had ascended the CEO throne just two months prior to the wrapping up of the deal, Microsoft has since redirected its energy basically on reviving the ailing phone business.
As of June 30, Microsoft had declared a work force of 114,000 full-time employees