I my previous posts, I wrote on:
1. Why You Need To Write an E-book,
2. How To Overcome Writer’s Block, and
The internet business revolution has come to stay and the revolution has given birth to individuals who have made huge as a result of their expertise which did not come over night. The simple truth is that everyone can make fortunes online irrespective of religion, sex, race etc. All we need to do is to apply the right internet business model.
Selling Services online is a business that has made people that get involved in it an average over half a million Dollars annually. The lists of services you can sell online are endless, but I will try to share the most profitable ones. Below are list of services you can start online:
1. Selling of E-books
2. Selling of E-covers
3. Selling of Software.
These are the three online businesses we shall be looking into.

1. Selling Of E-books
People search the internet daily for information. This is an avenue for you to make a residual income online by selling people information.
Most people engage in affiliate marketing where they are only given a slice of the price they sell other people’s product. You can easily start writing your own e-book, give it your price tag, and sell it online.
Writing of e-book is easy, all you have to do is to do some little research online and rewrite it to fit this time pattern. You can check my previous post on how to start writing e-book.
But if you think you are not a good writer, I will advise you to check some PLR product online you can easily resell and keep the money to your self. One funny thing about Private Label Product (PLR) is that you can claim to be the author of the product after you might have purchased it.
Some reasons why you will not be making sales online are:
• Poor Marketing Strategies: You may be marketing your e-book to the wrong people and you might not have the idea of how to market your products online. Learn free ways to get traffic for your products
• Poor e cover: Another factor for poor sales is Poor E-cover. An adage says “never judge a book by its cover”. But in our case, we all do especially on the internet. The e-book cover is the only thing we truly have to get an idea of what the quality if a book will be. We all assume that if a cover is created tastefully and professionally, it will have good or great contents. Without doubt, the author will make great sales. Learn how to create e-covers.
2. Selling Of E covers:
E-covers is one of the reason some customer will buy our product since they believe a good e cover will have a good content in it. You can create professional e-cover for Software, E-book and many other services under 5 minutes. It doesn’t require any skill. All you need is to get the secret.
I personally charge a minimum of N3000 or $20 for any e-cover product I make for clients online and offline.
If you too can learn how to make e-covers, you can make money by setting up a small website and promote it there. And you can as well use it to promote your product onlines.
3. Selling of Software:
This is the easiest of the entire business model. You can start this one buy selling software that has given you right to sell and keep the profit to yourself. All you have to do is to market the software and sit back to see money coming in.
What You Need To Put In Place Before You Start
You Must Have a Website: you must have a presence online by having your website. It is through your website that potential customers will be able to view your work. CLICK HERE to learn how to design a website. You can start website creation with no knowledge of any programming language.
Register with Forums: One of the ways to market your products is to subscribe to forums. Register to a forum and start a discussion relevant to your business. Always remember to leave a link back to your website. I recommend nairaland forums to start with.
Advertise: Make all effort to place your adverts online and offline which will direct potential customers to your website.
Write and Submit Articles: Another way to market your product and services online is to write articles related to e-cover design and other products you want to promote. After writing the articles, submit it to places like Ezinearticles.com, articles.com. You can Google out more article directories where you can submit your article to. A lot of people visit this platform daily to read articles.
Finally, If the above steps are followed as explained, am sure you will be making something tangible Online .
Very interesting, but i don’t think that still working with a new google strategy
Hay man,
your site is very informative,which goes to say you are really doing great jod for your fellow country men and women who really wants to make money online.I wish you are residing here in Port Harcourt,i would have wanted you be my personal mentor.
Please i wanted to find out something from you.I wanted opening an account today on Ezinearticles,i tried using my normal gmail and yahoo mail and it said “email not fit for verification”I want to know which type of email can i use to register as a member in that site.Expecting your candid reply.
you can create e-covers with the click of a button, you don’t have to be an expert before you can create one.
Please are you sure i will be able to create this without any knowledge of graphics design? please reply here site owner.