You may be expending so much on your Wi-Fi subscription monthly. Unfortunately, you don’t get to use the Wi-Fi to surf the internet before it expires. This can be very excruciating. Alternatively, your Wi-Fi connection may be very slow. One of the contributing factors to this is that someone may be stealing your Wi-Fi. Therefore, the owner of the Wi-Fi Router have to act fast to stop this theft. The disadvantage of people having unauthorized access to your Wi-Fi is not only limited to your data alone but also your emails and other vital accounts can be hacked and vital information stolen. As usual,, Africa’s No 1 Hotel Booking Portal recommend tips on how to detect if someone is stealing your Wi-Fi.
Check the Router Indicator
If you suspect that someone is stealing your Wi-Fi, shut down or disconnect your own devices like laptops, desktop, phones and others. Afterwards, check the Wi-Fi’s indicator, it is meant to be off since you are not connected. However, if the indicator is still on after disconnection, this means that someone has unauthorized access to your Network. The shortcoming with this is that the person tapping the Wi-Fi maybe a significant other.
Log into your Wi-Fi account
The Internet Protocol address according to Wikipedia ‘is a numerical label assigned to each devices that are connected in a computer network.” The IP address allows these devices to access the router. However, if this process has been compromised, it may leave your connection vulnerable to unauthorized users. What will you do? Just copy your IP address (IP addresses are of two types IPv4 and IPv6. Samples,; IPv4 or 2001:db8:0:1234:0:567:8:1; IPv6) in your browser, enter your details in the available spaces and you can see all the known and unknown connections. You can disconnect all the illegal IP access. After, checking ensure that your information hasn’t been stolen.
Use a tracking software
Using a Wi-Fi tracking software is highly recommended because the software can alert you immediately your Wi-Fi is accessed without permission. This would prevent you from going through the stress of checking intermittently if someone is ‘stealing’ your Wi-Fi. Perhaps, this is safer. You can use moocher hunter software for the tracking.
Use Encryption code/Password
Perhaps, this is the safest and surest means of preventing your Wi-Fi from being stolen. You must use a strong and long password that can’t compromised and also a password you can remember. To ensure, a guaranteed Wi-Fi security, you can also use the Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) and Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA II). This would nearly assure 100% protection. The most important thing is that write the passwords somewhere if you know you can’t remember them. You can also include the passwords in a password manager.
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