This post is for my friends in Nigeria, in austerity. I want to exhort you not to be perturbed by what is going on in the country presently (Fuel Subsidy Removal).
Just have it in mind that no matter what is happening presently, I want to tell you that you can turn this present adversity to advantage. If the federal government insist not to subsidize our crude oil again, don’t cry; don’t feel bad, it is for your good. Are you wondering how this economic recession will favor you?
When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up…. (Job 22:29)

Here is an important principle you need to learn that’ll help you grow bigger financially: Let your mind soar beyond the prevailing economic situation around you. Think how big God is. Think about the whole world as yours, for how big God is. Think about the whole world as yours, for it’s indeed yours: “….For all things are yours…..” (1 Corinthians 3:21).
Try to learn the value of meditation on the Word of God. The word has the ability to create or produce in you what it says, and to create and produce opportunities and guidance for you. The Word enlarges your vision.
Friends, refuse to see lack and want in 2012. Look beyond the horizon and let the Word propel you to prosperity. There’s so much treasure in this country. I want you to remember people like Isaac, he was successful amidst the seeming hardship. You can also prosper, wax great, make progress and grow, until you become very great.
Finally, I wish to tell you that if you can build your faith strong in the Word of God, you’ll neither cry nor be cast down in austere times. Isaac prospered in the midst of harsh economic conditions. In a time of famine, the Bible says he prospered, waxed great, made progress, and grew until he became very great (Genesis 26). Your prosperity should be born of the Word in spite of circumstances.