Send Free SMS Anonymously in India

I came across a website last year where one can send free sms anonymously. You don’t need to register before you can gain access to this website and you can type 160 characters in the body of the message. You can choose any recipient number whenever you want to send this type of message. Anonymous SMS can be sent to friends using their number as recipient number to freak them. Though anonymous sms too can be use to harm others but please don’t do so. This service is currently available for India mobile users.


Steps to Send Free Anonymous SMS In India

1. Click Here to visit the anonymous sms provider website

 2. Insert you mobile number in the appropriate box

3. Compose your message in the appropriate box

4. After composing your message, type the captcha, click agree to terms and click send

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  1. mrinal saha
  2. m!$$
  3. Anonymous

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