On Friday 28th November, Konga launched ‘Yakata’, it’s version of the Black Friday Sales. When I check their site to look for deals I can catch before expiration, I came across a Lenovo laptop with original price of N70,000 with a Yakata price of N5,700.
Latest Update: Konga Showcase: All Ready for a Memorable 2015 Yakata Sale.
As a typical Nigerian (Ijesha-Version) that loves cheap things but hate to be scammed, I quickly order for it but choose the pay on delivery option in case they change their mind.
But to my amazement, I was called from Konga office in my area to come for the laptop. I asked for the price and I was told it’s N5,700.
My ‘Yakata’ Laptop came with a Free Bag and Antivirus. The laptop has never been opened before as it contains all the tapes. It has Windows 8 OS, 4GB DDR3 RAM and 1TB Hard Drive.
I’m currently using my Yakata laptop to type this with much joy in my heart.
Apart from Yakata, Konga offers the best price every time compared to ‘Others’. I recently ordered my sit-up bench from them not quite long, with all my price-comparison, they offer the cheapest with quality brands.
Want to start enjoying mouth watering discounts on quality products? CLICK HERE to start shopping on Konga.
Konga also did you any good before? Share your experience through the comments section.
i really appreciate what you share with people, i almost register for a seminar that need to do with how to import from china but with what you have shared with me i say thank you bros. please i am looking for a genuine online business apart from forex please if you know anyone please oblige me thank you brother segun
Ajala Emmanuel.
@ emmanuel ajala, you can try blogging. Click here for insight.
hope this is every year
@Adebayo Emmanuel, black friday is every year. You can also keep check their site during this period for awesome deals.
haa, pls can i too buy this at this time
@Adebayo Emmanuel, Black Friday is gone. You can check their Christmas deal for cheap stuffs too.