Going by reports coming from Bloomberg, Verizon is aiming to acquire Yahoo soonest, as Yahoo is officially entertaining bids for acquisition. Verizon is not only the company with concrete interests to take up the crumbling web giant Yahoo. Alphabet ( google’s parent company), even Twitter and Facebook are very much interest in acquiring Yahoo.
Verizon being the frontline running contenders for the acquisition is hoping to add the magnitude of Yahoo’s market share of the internet as regards customer capacities to create a formidable advertising platform to put the heat on Facebook or Google in that regard.
According to the reports, Verizon may consider the prospects of also acquiring the Japanese assets of Yahoo as a part of the arrangement. It has been on the news for some time now that Yahoo’s finances have been significantly strained for some time now .
For 2015, Yahoo’s revenue dropped down from $4.4bn to $4.1bn. Analysts looking into Yahoo’s crisis as well as the investors interest in a purchase predict that the revenue could further slide down to $3.5bn for this year. Verizon is of the opinion that Yahoo’s main asset is about $8bn while its Japanese asset could wallop an additional worth of $8.5bn.
For the past three years, Yahoo has been selling its patents which run into the categories of customer data management, messaging etc. these patents so far sold are about $600m. Yahoo could be gunning to realize a total sale of $4bm from the sales of its patent.