Twitter has grown so far to become of the first team contenders in the social media team. Over the years, Twitter has developed itself into one platform where people ring their bells, hit their gongs dispersing good dozes of information needed for one’s ears to stay alive- as such keeping the mind constantly renovated on what events the clock is singing to. This big social bag called Twitter has millions of people zipped in it- On an average, a million active users have tweeted at least a billion times over the last 3 years according to reports.
It could be yet be surprising that however buzzing this digital community, some users actually suffer “Twitter quarantine”, as their tweets are regularly isolated and are not retweeted- not even the least with abuses. Yet some, who are not even celebrities, are regularly entertained with a long entourage of retweets. Do you know why?
They Tweet Breaking News
Twitter is an online cousin of journalism and some is for some, it is their domestic BBC. People keep their ears very closely to the twitter ground so as to catch on any interesting development. So when you put word ingredients like “breaking”, you should be expecting a delicious number of retweets.
They Tweet With Images
Twitter particularly is not just an online radio where users just “listen”. People also love to see, to watch, not only pictures painted from text- but from images as well. Dan Zarrella’s research revealed that tweets with images are 94 percent more likely to get retweeted.
Yet, it is worth remembering that tweets linking to Instagram or Facebook images are a sharp exemption, as a big reverse is it case when applied.
They Tweet With Facts and Figures
The twitter atmosphere is saturated with awareness, and there is no way people will be trooping to your stall to buy hypothesis and products smelted from your imaginations. Tweets with facts and figure appeal more to an educated audience as they radiate confidence and an original journalistic authority. It is louder when talking with figures!
They Call People to Action
Yes, tweets with this appeal carries more authority; and soon this appeal turns to an order people march to. According to Dan Zarrella, people respond to social calls to action. True, tweets containing please retweet” are in fact more responded to- especially those carrying the abbreviated Please RT.
Their Tweets are Not Too Long
As much as you try keeping your twitter family engrossed, make sure reading through your tweet isn’t a journey they would need siesta between- it shouldn’t be too long. Researches on social medium discovered that 100 to 115 characters tweets are the ones that are the most retweeted!
They Tweet Tips and Guide
Followers are more inclined to replying information that brings a drop of balm to their hearts- one that is helpful. The more helping a tweet could be, the larger the excitement to share it with their followers.
If that is grasped, it could be understood that tips in the form of lists, how to’s and guides have shown themselves as one of Twitter’s most shareable content.
Based on your experience on Twitter, use the comment section below to tell us what people love to retweet.