Important Things You Should Do With Your New Computer

Don’t Forget These Important Steps after Getting a New PC


Were you lucky enough to pick up a new computer recently? If so, Congratulations! Guess you checked the necessary Things to Consider when Buying a Laptop?

No matter if it’s a flashy new Hewlett Packard (HP), MAC, Microsoft Surface Pro 3, a Windows 8 laptop, or a traditional desktop computer, below are the first four most important things you need to do:

Update Your Antivirus Program.

The last thing you want to do is get your brand new computer infected with virus. Who wants that?

I thought about calling this “install an antivirus software” but almost all computers come with one preinstalled. Windows 8 comes with Microsoft’s own tool built-in so most PCs are ready to go.

Here’s the thing, though: it might not be a recent version. So, after setting it up, proceed to the scanner’s settings and update the “definitions” – the instructions that teach the program how to identify and remove new viruses, Trojans, worms, etc.

Tip: Like I mentioned above, new Windows computers of year 2014 has a basic antivirus protection, but it’s absolutely not the best. See Avira free antivirus program, the best choice for you.

Install Available Windows Updates.

Yes, I know, you’d think your brand new computer would be fully up to date but the probability is that it might not be.

Every month, Microsoft releases security and non-security updates to Windows. Recently, Windows 8 especially has been updated a lot of time.

Automatic updates

Tip: The Windows Update tool has been made default to download and install updates automatically. While this is generally a good idea, it can be a bit devastating of a thing to happen in the background during the first few hours of using your new computer. Are you asking yourself the question “How Do I Change Windows Update Settings?” To help change those automatic settings, which I usually recommend that people do to reduce unnecessary data consumption.

Automatic updates

How to Change Your Windows Update Settings:

  • Click on your Windows settings
  • Use your search box to find “turn automatic updates on or off
  • Launch the program and choose “Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them”

Install a File Recovery Program.

This might seem surprising to you. Why install a program to help recover all files deleted accidentally if you have not even used your computer yet, let alone lost something?

Reason: The big catch-22 about file recovery programs is that you often have to install one before you can use it, a process which could permanently overwrite the area on the hard drive where your deleted file is sitting. That’s not a risk you want to take.

Register for an Online Backup Service.

Here is another practical step, one you’ll be thanking me for someday.

Online backup services are combination of various software tools and subscription services that automatically enhance the protection of your files and data on secure servers away from your home or business.

From my own perspective, an online backup service is the best and most cost effective long term solution to protecting your data in the cloud.

The better rated ones in my list are both inexpensive, let you back up as much as you want, and are really easy to download and install. You may want to consider Google cloud storage.

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