Airtel Nigeria BlackBerry® 10 Data Plans

Following the announcement made by Airtel Nigeria in February about the availability of BlackBerry Z10 at it stores in Nigeria, Airtel Nigeria also unveiled the data plan for BlackBerry 10 devices since the new BlackBerry 10 platform will not support the existing BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) data. Although presently, it is still unclear to users whether data caps would apply with BlackBerry 10 data plans like in the case of Airtel normal BlackBerry plans that have data caps.

Airtel BlackBerry 10 Data Plans

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Airtel BlackBerry 10 Data Plans

Airtel Nigeria BlackBerry 10 data plans have been broken into Max, Midi and Lite. The table below shows the price for each plan and the validity period.

Plan Retail Price (N) Validity period (days) USSD Activation Code SMS Activation Code
BB 10 Max 3,000 30 *440*7# bmm
1,050 7 *440*8# bmw
200 1 *440*9# bmd
BB 10 Mid 1,500 30 *440*10# bim
525 7 *440*11# biw
100 1 *440*12# bid
BB 10 Lite 1,000 30 *440*13# blm
350 7 *440*14# blw
70 1 *440*15# bld

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