Make Money Online With These Kits : Information Marketing

Are you interested in making money online? If yes, then you are lucky to be reading this post. Making money online is not as difficult as you think or as difficult as some gurus will say. Making money online is possible but what it requires is your common sense and action.


Since we all dream of becoming our own boss, working our own hours and checking in while enjoying the day  in some exotic places. That dream is possible. I’m a Nigerian, I’m living it and I’m here to show you how you can live it too. I want you to know that every thing I tell you to do. I do myself so i know this stuff just works. These kits will give you the same strategies that have made me successful so you can become your own boss, make money with your blog/website and enjoy yourself.

Today, I want to introduce to you a business model that has been in existence for decades. The business am introducing to you is called INFORMATION MARKETING.

With Information marketing , you can create or buy an Information product once and then sell or resell it a million times!

What Is Information Marketing?

Information marketing is a means of selling packaged information in form of manual. Some examples of manuals are:

“How to start bulk sms business”
“How to browse on the internet”
“How to write Resume/CV”
“How to start fish rearing”
“How to rear Snails”
“How to start Recharge card printing business with just a startup capital of 10,000naira
“Snail rearing in the tropics… a goldmine”
“How to open a US Bank account Right here from Nigeria”
“Step by step manual on Solar electricity generation plus inverter building”

Yes anything. You can write anything on topics you are knowledgeable about. You will be surprised when you find out the number of people that are willing and ready to pay for that information and knowledge you have. Let us do a simple arithmetic, If you sell an e-book that cost you nothing to publish at a price of #5,000. If you end up selling 100 copies or more every month, tell me how much you will be making every month.

“You do not need to write your own book! Just Buy one with Resell-Rights!”

With Information marketing, you don’t necessarily need to write your own e-book, you can make money from selling materials out there with full RESELL RIGHTS. A material with resell rights simply means that you can sell other people materials  without it being illegal. By the end of this post, you will be going with 7 e-books you can start selling and keep the 100% sales profit to yourself.

Manuals could be in form of CD, MP3, Video, E-book etc.

What is the startup capital for information marketing business?

By now, you must have understood the meaning of information marketing. What you need to know now is the startup capital of this business. The startup capital of this business is almost free.

Who can do this type of business?

Almost anybody with his/her right mind can start this business. You can start this information marketing business without the help of any body.

Some fact about information marketing

• The startup capital is low
• Information marketing business has high returns on investment
• No qualification is required for this business
• Anybody in his/her right mind can start this business
• You can start this business irrespective of your age, race and sex
• You don’t need an office to start this business, you can start this business any where

These are just a few facts of information marketing business. This is a good business that you can start from the comfort of your room with a computer and internet. It is so easy that a secondary school leaver can start.

How much am I likely to make with information marketing business?

Starting your own information marketing business can earn you #100,000-#200,000 as a beginner. This business is the best if you are looking for a way to make money online.

For example, if you package some piece of information and sell it to the hungry market at #4,000 each, if 25 people turn up then you must have made a total sale of #100,000. You need to advertise your product to bring awareness to those that needs the product. You can advertise your products offline (i.e. Newspapers) and online (i.e. Facebook, Google, Forums and other social networking site). Some of this means of advertisement are free while some requires payment. The free means requires hard work and time while the paid ones don’t requires such.

How will the buyer receive the products he/she ordered for?

What you will do is to send the materials to the customers email address.

How can I create manuals?

You can create manuals yourself without the help of anybody.

Tools Needed To Create a Successful Information Marketing Business.

Before you can start information marketing, you will need to:

1. Create a website/blog. To create a website is now easy. You can create a website with WYSIWYG softwares.

Some of the amazing features of WYSIWYG software:
• Completely NO HTML Required…”What You See Is What You Get” Interface!

• Easy To Use Software With Step-By-Step User Guide

• Comes With Over 100+ Professional Website Templates Included FREE!

• Equipped With Convenient Built-in FTP Software For Instant One-Click Publishing

• Professional Full-Version Website Builder Software…No Upgrade Required!

• Certified 100% Clean With Absolutely Zero Spyware, Adware Or Malware

• Built-In Free Cash Opportunity Where YOU Make Money Like Crazy!

• And Much More!

You can also go for free blogs if you don’t presently have money to host a self-hosted blog or website, you can later upgrade if you wish to.

If you think creating of blog/website is too technical, you can hire me.

2. E-book Writer Pro – This software is what I use in creating e-book. This software has similar features with Microsoft word. It can be use by any body even if you are computer literate or illiterate.

3. E-cover software – This is a program that you can use to make e-covers for your products. Click here to download a manual on how to make stunning and professional e-covers for your product with a press of button. You can also click here for samples of e-covers created by just naira. You can make money by helping other people to create e-cover for their products.

Before you can start information marketing business, you will need these three tools. You can now get these three tools for free.

1. Free website builder software + Manual on how to use it worth over N20,000/ $134. Anybody with little or no knowledge of computer can use it.

2. E-book writer pro + Manual on how to use it worth over N15,000/ $100

3. Professional E-cover creator software + Video on how to use it + Manual on how to use it worth Over N30,000 / $200

These three tools costN10,000 / $67 , Since we’ve pledge to help others to succeed online, we have change our mind to offer this tools for N5,000 / $35  (50% discount) FREE. The interesting part is that you can also sell all these tools/softwares and manuals and keep the 100%  money made from it to yourself.

All the software that will be sent to you are windows compatible software

Simple System Requirements:
Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7
Minimum 350 MHz CPU processor
Minimum of 128MB RAM
Minimum of 45MB free disk space
Minimum of 800 x 600 screen resolution
Download the kits by clicking the links below:

You will also be given 7  e-books that you can sell and keep the money to yourself. The names of the e-books are:

• How To Create A Google Adsense Account and Get Approved Under 6 Hours




• Facebook Wealth Formula System That You Can Use To Rake In At Least #60,000 Monthly

• How you can be making a minimum 0f $600 from doing online joint venture broker with You don’t need to be a writer before you can make money from this website and other freelancer website.

•Bulk Sms Professional Proposals

I decided to give all this away for free so you can actually start a business doing either of the above or editing and reselling any of the above even if you do not have any idea of your own to sell as of now. I really do want you to start this INFORMATION MARKETING BUSINESS as soon as possible as it is a gold mine and this will definitely change your financial status. 

They say everybody has a book in them.
Everybody certainly has experiences,
and knowledge about those experiences.
If you can help somebody
by sharing your experience
and your knowledge, then in my opinion
you have an e-book in you.
Are This Tools/Kits For You?

These kits are perfect for those who are serious about making money online. If you are looking for a get rich quick scheme, this kits are not for you. I won’t teach you how to make millions overnight. If you are looking for an easy way to make money, this kits aren’t for you either. I will show you how to start your own information marketing business and make money from it. If that is something you want, these kits are perfect for you. These kits are for people who want to earn money to do whatever they want and are willing to put the time to make that happen.

Bank Name: Guaranty Trust Bank
Account Name: Fapohunda Olusegun
Account Number: 0049355128
After payment, send notification “Information Marketing Tools” , “Your Email Address”, “The Name You Use To Pay Into Our Bank Account” and “The Teller Number” To Our Phone Number Or Email Address.
The package will be sent to you immediately we receive your payment notification.

Phone Number : 08150498422
Email Address :

If you are really serious about learning how to make money online, then you are highly favored. With information marketing, you are definitely going to get rich quicker within 1 year maximum. I can guarantee this with my life; however, it takes knowledge to excel in this business that takes zero capital to start.

These are just few out of the many testimonies sent by people who ordered for these TOOLS.

What if You Don’t Like the Kits/Tools?
Get the kits, implement the tips, start building your Information Marketing Business, ask me for help. Let me walk you through these strategies. And, after all of that, if you still don’t like the kits you can get your money back within 30 days of purchase. After all, if I can’t help you, I shouldn’t have your money. All you need to do is e-mail within the time period, and I’ll send you the money. And as a way of saying sorry for wasting your time, you will be allowed to keep those kits. No questions asked. I’m that confident that this kits will help you succeed because, like I said, I use these kits too!

P.S ==> You have to make the best decision possible,and make it quickly,even if you do not have all the facts,if you want to be successful. Then take ACTION.

P.S.S==> Presently, Mankind is at the most advanced stage they have ever seen, and interestingly, it has been called the information age! Make use of this time wisely.

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